Here at FloodWorks, Lismore Northern NSW, we are proud to partner with XP Solutions Pty Ltd and are proud supporters of their products and services. Please feel free to contact FloodWorks to arrange an in-office demonstration of the power of XP products. One of the most powerful features of the XPSWMM product is its ability to modify the survey and design tins within the GIS based application. This means that any changes to the design can be completed at the click of a button and remodelled as you watch, giving immediate results and allowing multiple options to be assessed for the client in real time. Gone are the days of “back and forth” between the client, the engineering to the civil designer, back to the engineer back to the client. This whole process is now streamlined allowing for better and faster results and reduced costs to the client.
Why XP Solutions?
The XPSWMM software platform provides the power to analyse and predict potential hydraulic behaviour, depth and velocity and accurately models the interaction of surface and underground systems in an integrated 1D/2D modelling environment.
XPSWMM uses the TUFLOW-based numerical engine providing a fully dynamic 2D overland flow capability, coupled with the piped 1D capability, allowing simulations of flows in and out of urban drainage networks, design channels and river systems. It provides an incredibly accurate tool to predict the extent, depth, velocity and duration of peak flows to evaluate mitigation and control technologies and management practices. Features supporting structural failure assessment (dams, channel surcharge etc) allow detailed analysis of failure scenarios.
Why XP2D?
- Accuracy. When it comes to stormwater and flooding, accurate simulation and forecasting can save lives and property. A simulation model that can demonstrate how water moves over land and how it interacts with the piped and channel system and the terrain is essential in protecting lives, homes, businesses and public dollars.
- 1D/2D Integration. The combination of the 1D network flow with 2D surface flow uses the best description of the flow for each case — no need to use inadequate approximations. See how stormwater on the surface interact with an existing creek or piped system. Watch as stormwater systems, waters flow down streets or across land surfaces and either pool or re-enter the system.
- Structures and Terrain. Model not only the land terrain but its specific attributes. Factors in a model can include different types of land use, buildings, structures, dams, levees, fences and more.
- Powerful Analysis. Using the powerful and well-accepted TUFLOW analysis engine coupled with the versatile XPSWMM 1D analysis engine, XP2D solves the full 2D shallow-water equations on a finite-difference grid. This means that you will get accurate hydraulics answers, stable model runs, and fast run times — key requirements that must be balanced in a model suited for real-world use.
Figure 1 Example of XPSWMM Graphical User Interface and Mapping Results
XPSWMM equips engineers with tools for accurate stormwater analysis and easy reporting:
- Review results in nearly any format, from text files and fully customisable XPtables to animated profile, cross section and plan views.
- Compare results for various scenarios including 2D layers with the Scenario Manager.
- GIS and CAD integration allows you to easily create models from external data. No need to own any other program to use XPSWMM.
- Simulate parallel flows – model street flow alongside underground systems and situations where flow is limited by inlet capacity.
- Test ideas in real time. XPSWMM allows the user to modify the design tin within the XP platform thus avoiding costly back and forth iterations with civil designers.